Showing posts with label Competition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Competition. Show all posts

Monday, November 18, 2013

The Worst Idea In the World

So if anyone has been following FSU football, you know by now that the team has been dominating the competition. Shut outs in the first quarter, discussions of mercy endings, crying coaches from rival schools... Really, winning has become so blasé that it's really not even worth watching. Don't tell my husband I said that! When faced with a "game watching" situation and time to kill, I was forced to come up with more exciting entertainment. Enter the Worst Idea Ever:
Competitive Mothering
Because being in charge of little people all day is a multifaceted undertaking, there will be many judged categories. Kinda like a biathlon, except that there is no end. Let's put some purely hypothetical mom-friends people in the ring. Enter our first three competitors:

Alyssa, a still adjusting mom of two, who sometimes hides in the closet to eat chocolate and catch a break.
Susan, a mom of one, very punny.
Haley, "the ever patient," mom of three, who may or may not have introduced Alyssa to blogging.

After much thought from a purely unbiased judge, here are the results for each round:

Competition Round
Cleanest House


Worst Morning Sickness

Chillest Kid


Best Baker

Worst Cook

Most Child Chatter Tolerated

Most Bodily Fluid Cleanup

Cutest kid(s)

Cry it out vs. Parent to Sleep Championship Round
Just kidding! We are not going there.

And the clear winner of this contest is:




Mary, who is actually the best mother.

So what do you think folks? Should we get this tournament going in real life? Any other ideas for  rounds?